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The listing is alphabetically. It is not exhaustive nor conclusive.






















The objective of this document/file is to allow parties a quick scan of the 'landscape of Eurasian and other relationships within and between continents.


There is a lively traffic of communication and association within and between Asia and Europe. As there are between Asia and Africa, South-America and other regions. Here is a list of their acronyms to get an impression **) and some web addresses to have a closer look. All want to stimulate exchange of knowledge, trade, bring peace, prosperity and jobs back to their home countries.


Some do not have an address, a homepage or website of their own; though they meet every year. So they differ in sturdiness and deliverables. Within in a certain time span and configuration of political will and power –it is politics- there will be transcontinental meetings and organisations that do produce tangible, concrete and once in a lifetime results.


So there are numerous windows of opportunities to strengthen relationships on research, science, cultural exchange and trade; within and between continents. (And if this is ‘too big a thing’, one might opt for similarly platforms of established mutual trust: the existing twin cities relationships between cities and countries ( 


All information is or was publicly available on the internet of these organisations at some level or other.

2017, Sept 17th.


ABC ASEAN Brussels Committee  * no home page

ACD Asia Co-operation Dialogue

ACS Convention Establishing the Association of Caribbean States

Addresses of ACS's Chambers of Commerce of the member states (old doc but it is a start)

ADB Asian Development Bank

AEBF Asia-Europe Business Forum

ABETC Asia-Europe Environmental Technology Centre

AEGIS Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies

AEH ASEM Education Hub

AEMM ASEAN-EC / EU Ministerial Meeting  

16th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) was in Nuremberg, Germany, from 14-15 March 2007 (

(see 2a of

AEVG Asia-Europe Vision Group

AFCF Asia-Europe Co-operation Framework

AfDB African Development Bank:

AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area

AIA ASEAN Investment Area

AIB Asian Investment Bank  * no home page

AIB African Investment Bank

AMF Asian Monetary Fund   * no home page

AMM ASEAN Ministerial Meeting  39th AMM

AMU Asian Monetary Union  * no home page

APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation

APT ASEAN Plus Three / ASEAN+3

ARF ASEAN Regional Forum

ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations


    PMC ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference

ASEF Asia-Europe Foundation

ASEM Asia-Europe Meeting

ASEM EMM Economic Ministers' Meeting  * no home page

AU African Union

BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India China):  pm

CAEC Council for Asia Europe Cooperation

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States

CMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa  PM

CORDS Connecting Organizations for Regional Disease Surveillance

COSTIS (UN/G77/)Consortium on Science, Technology and Innovation for the South

CRED Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (UN association)

DRC Disaster Research Center

EAEC East Asia Economic Caucus  * no home page

EAEG East Asia Economic Grouping  * no home page

EBIC European Business Information Centre

ECOSOC Economic & Social Council

ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States

EFTA European Free Trade Association

EFSHT European Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy

EIB European Investment Bank

EFS European structural and investment funds

ESPON European Spatial Planning Observation Network

EU European Union

Asia Link Programme

EU research organisations, list of

Research Liaison Office  Joint Research Centre

Joint Research Institutes

o     IRMM:

o     ITU:

o     IE:

o     IPSC:

o     IES:

o     IHCP:

o     IPTS:

UBC University-Business Cooperation (EC):


EURATOM European Atomic Energy Community

EUROSEAS European Organization for Southeast Asian Studies  * no home page

FEALAC Forum for East Asia and Latin America Co-operation   * no home page

FinMM Finance Ministers' Meeting   * no home page

FMM Foreign Ministers' Meeting  * no home page

Free Trade Agreements, list of Regional.. (documented)

FTA Free Trade Agreement / Area

FTAA Free Trade Agreement of Americas

FTA CIS Free Trade Agreement of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS countries; former Soviet States)


              International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) url: pm

G8 Research Group

        student section of:  

GCC Gulf Co-operation Council,2340,fr_32250379_32236869_34438857_1_1_1_1,00.html

GSP Generalized Systems of Preferences EU, USA respectively More info:

IAEA International Atomic Energy Association

IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

ICAf Infrastructure Consortium for Africa:

IFSHT International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy

ILO International Labour Organisation

ALO Arab Labour Organization  (unfortunately: not in English)

IMF International Monetary Fund

IORRC Indian Ocean Rim Association of Regional Co-operation  * no home page

ITF International Transport Agency

JSEPA Japan-Singapore Economic Partnership Agreement  * no home page

KEDO Korean Energy Development Organization

LDCs Least Developed Countries 

MENA Middle East and North African 

NABC Netherlands African Business Council

NAFTA North American Free Trade Area

NEPAD New Partnership for Africa's Development


(De Pers, 2/7/2009; 19 upcoming markets/countries Mexico, Colombia,Peru, Chili, Argentina, South-Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Hungary, Tjechia, Poland, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, South-Korea):  pm

NPCA New Partnership for Africa's Development Planning and Co-ordination Agency   PM

Norden - Nordic Council of Ministers -

OAS Organization of American States

ODA Official Development Assistance  * no home page

OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development

OIAS Organization of Ibero-American States

OPSI Observatory of Public Sector Innovation

OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

PAFTAD Pacific Trade and Development Conference

PBEC Pacific-Basin Economic Council

PECC Pacific Economic Co-operation Council

SA Summit of the Americas

SADC Southern Africa Development Co-operation  * no home page

SCA Science Councils of Asia

SCCAN Special Coordinating Committee of ASEAN Nations; see ASEAN

Skoll Global Threats Fund

SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization  * no home page

STS forum;  Science and Technology in Society forum

TAFTA Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement  * no home page

TA IPR TransAtlantic IPR Portal

TICAD Tokyo International Conference on African Development

TWAS The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World

TWNSO Third World Network of Scientific Organisations

UN United Nations

UNASUR Union of South American Nations

UNCTAD United Nations Council on Trade and Development

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UN Economical and Social Council

     Economical Regional Commissions

·      ECA Economical Commission for Africa

·      ECE Economical Commission for Europe

·      ECLAC Economical Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

·      ESCAP Economical Commission for Asia and the Pacific

·      ESCWA Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia  

ICJ International Court of Justice

UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS)

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Education Fund

UNGA United Nations General Assembly

UN Global Compact

UNIS United Nations International School

WB World Bank

WFUNA World Federation of United Nations Association

WHO World Health Organisation

WTO World Trade Organization



*) No homepage or URL of its own (April 2007; Google search).

**) Source (of most of the acronyms and their meanings): IIAS, Asia and Europe, more than two worlds (2004)




Bionet (bioethics)




It is a free world of course but it is a pity that some regular meetings or associations do not have a website or a homepage with a list of links to subsequent organiser’s web pages throughout the years. Or a clear point of contact. Sometimes Wikipedia has some lists. To make a difference and to propel a platform to a next level, it would be recommendable to have a cumulative record of results and a web page on legal status and mission, as well as a list of member countries and a schedule upon future meetings perhaps (specified for the levels of:

-       policy: long term strategy & objectives;

-       coordinating executive steering committee; medium term, orchestrating coordinating the execution of programmes and projects to meet the objectives;

-       working groups: short term, executing single programmes or projects, using existing personnel and facilities at operational level).


Since the world has become a global village, hierarchical approaches for this sort of multilateral does not work; all States are autonomous and do not answer to anyone but their own people! The EU developed a new methodology to handle this, is might be useful to test it in transcontinental approaches. It is called the Open Coordination Method. It boils down to a small set of rules:

-       any two or more States may start an initiative, they should only be open about it, meaning:

-       they should keep all others informed about the plans and progress (by a public website for instances, allowing any other State to check up on all documents, decisions etcetera);

-       they should allow other States to step in and join the initiative at any moment.